Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Howell Highlanders Love To Volunteer

If you are planning on volunteering in our classroom at any time throughout the year as a parent helper, a mystery reader, during a holiday party or on a class field trip you need to fill out the proper paperwork in the office.  You must fill out a criminal history file search authorization packet.  These forms are good for two years, so if you have filled one out for Hutchings before, but it was longer than two years ago, we need you to fill it out again.  If you filled one out last year, you should be good to go for the year.  I know this may be a pain, however, I think we would all agree that it keeps all of our children safe here at school.  So I think it is well worth your time:)  If you would like me to send home a form for you to fill out, just send me an email and I will be sure to get you one.  Just send it back to school with your child and I will take care of it from there!  Thanks so much for keeping us all safe!!!