Monday, January 3, 2011

January Family Project

First Grade Family Project

Each month we will be sending home instructions on a project your child will need your help with. These family projects will coincide with a grade level content expectation (GLCE) that we are working on at the time. Please help your child prepare to present his or her project to the class. Thank you so much in advance for taking the time to do these projects with your child. These projects help connect home to school.

The project for the month of January is a HOW TO project.

Be sure to use the attached packet to help you complete this project.
1. Please help your child brainstorm and list activities you can do together as a family. (ex. Make a sandwich, play a game, brush your teeth)
2. Choose one of the activities and decide what items you need to perform the activity. (peanut butter, jelly, bread, knife, plate, etc.)
3. After you have collected what you need, do the activity with your child. While engaged in the activity, be sure to talk about what you did FIRST, NEXT, THEN and LAST.
4. When you have finished the chosen activity please have your child draw a picture and write a sentence for each step of the activity. Be sure to begin step one with FIRST, step two with NEXT, step three with THEN, and step four with LAST.
5. Please return this family project by Friday, January 14th
Thanks so much!  Ms. Benear :)