Monday, September 13, 2010

Monster of the Week

Monster of the Week Activities

You will be notified when it is your child's week to be our "Monster of the Week."  Please help them prepare so they can participate in and present each activity to the class on thier chosen week of school!

Monday: Pictures and Sheet
An area in our room is designated and available to hang about five pictures (snapshots) of your child.  It's really nice to see a baby picture, one of the family, pets, house, a sport, holidays and pictures of different ages.  Please do not send in more than five pictures and please keep photo albums at home as space is limited and we wouldn't want any damage to come to valuable family keepsakes. They will be pinned to our board and returned to you either Friday or Monday.  Please be sure to fill out the "Monster of the Week" sheet as we will have fun going over that also!

Tuesday:  Favorite Book
We will take time to read your child's favorite book to the class on this day!  Please be sure to write your name in the book in case it gets mixed up with our other classroom books.

Wednesday:  Favorite Stuffed Animal
Your child will have the opportunity to share his/her favorite stuffed animal with the class. Please talk with him/her about why it is special and where it might have come from.

Thursday:  Recipe for Favorite Food
The  class will listen as your child tells them how to make his/her favorite food.  Please write down the steps in which they THINK the food is prepared:) They will read these steps to the class and we will collect the recipes to make a class book!

Friday:  Read Class Book
Throughout the week the class will be drawing a picture of our monster of the week and writing something they have learned about him/her.  We will make a book for your child.  On Friday, we will read the book and then send it home for your MONSTER to keep!